Caledon Award Nominations

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To: All Western Canadian Trace Organic Workshop Participants

Subject: Call for 2015 Caledon Award Nominations

This is the 1st call for nominations of the 2015 Caledon Award to be presented in Calgary at the 5oth Annual Western Canada Trace Organic Workshop. Selection criteria are based on a number of factors which include: nominee's effort and participation in previous Canadian Trace Organic Workshops, contributing work in the field of trace organic analysis (includes but not limited to publications), leadership qualities (i.e. role model, voice of reason, act as a knowledge resource). Candidates for nomination include laboratory personnel and affiliated managers.


This preliminary nomination is intended to be short and to the point. Additional information would only be requested if the person you nominate is one of the final three candidates in the selection process.

As a preliminary request for nomination, we ask you to E-mail both of us with following details.

Your Name:

Your Affiliation:

Your contact #'s:
(including E-mail)

Who would you like to see receive the award (Name, address, affiliation, etc.)?

In a short paragraph, please list a few reasons (refer to Selection Criteria) why you feel this person deserves this award.
(please use separate sheet if necessary)

Thank you for your time. In the event that your nomination is one of the three finalists, you may be contacted for additional information regarding the nominee.

Kerry Peru                             Don Noot
E-mail:            E-mail:

Western Canadian Caledon Award Selection Committee